Reporting fraud/corruption

COPEDU PLC takes fraud and corruption seriously and encourages individuals to report any suspected cases through the email below:

Measures implemented by COPEDU PLC to combat corruption:

  1. Whistleblower Mechanism: COPEDU PLC has established confidential and secure channels for whistleblowers, enabling employees, customers, and stakeholders to report suspected instances of corruption without fear of reprisal.
  2. Ethical Business Practices: The organization actively promotes a culture of integrity and ethical conduct, emphasizing honesty, transparency, and fairness in all interactions among employees, clients, and stakeholders.
  3. Sanctions and Disciplinary Actions: COPEDU PLC communicates the severe consequences associated with involvement in corrupt activities, including termination of employment, legal action, and reporting to appropriate authorities.

Actions taken regarding reported cases of corruption and fraud:

• Termination of Employment

Contact Information:

• Email:

Phone Numbers: 078887101 / 0783262120