
RPF Chairman calls for hard work to achieve more in 2017

The Chairman of RPF Inkotanyi, President Paul Kagame has recognized the fact that a lot was achieved in the country during the just-concluded 2016

The Chairman of RPF Inkotanyi, President Paul Kagame has recognized the fact that a lot was achieved in the country during the just-concluded 2016 but added that with hard work, even much more can be achieved this year.

He said this on Sunday, during the Rwanda National Leadership Prayer Breakfast that was held at Kigali Convention Centre, bringing together national leaders from different arms of government.

The prayer breakfast, which was taking place for the 21st time, is organized by the Rwanda Leaders Fellowship as a platform to conduct annual prayers for the nation.

The Chairman, during his keynote, called on Rwandans to cultivate the culture of self-belief, saying that they have immense capabilities to make any advancement they desire. 

“When God created us, he did not place us in categories, from superior to inferior. We were all created equal in capabilities. If we wait upon others to do for us what we should do for ourselves, what will our own capabilities do? You cannot stay in a position of being eternally grateful to others without graduating to doing things yourself.”

Turning to the youth, President Kagame pointed out that they should start recognizing their abundant capacities, which he said they should use for their own good and for others.

He said that although there is the general belief that Rwanda has insufficient natural resources, this is a misconception because the most important form of wealth is people and Rwanda has people with great capacities.