Thousands of RPF Inkotanyi members on Saturday gathered at Petit Stade in Remera for their General Assembly during which achievements that were registered over the past two years were presented, and strategies for the year ahead outlined.
In an event held at the fully packed Petit Stade, the party members were challenged to own the process of implementing the district’s performance contract, commonly known as Imihigo, saying that without their full participation they would never achieve what they are set out to achieve.
During the event, the members pledged to construct a model in Gikomero sector in Gasabo district, in which vulnerable residents will be installed.
The village will be built in Gikomero sector and will contain160 houses with different facilities including electricity, water, health post and agakiriro among others, in place.
Stephen Rwamulangwa, RPF Chairman in Gasabo district, said the meeting was time to look back and reflect on what has been achieved as well as set new goals.
In economic development, some of the achievements include 89 per cent of electricity coverage in city suburbs, tarmac roads that were constructed in the sectors of Kimihurura, Kacyiru and Remera, creation of master plans for city outskirts, among others.
In social welfare, 71 classrooms were built while 95 per cent of the population has subscribed for medical insurance scheme.
Vocational Training centers for the youth, markets for street vendors as well as were built.
Offices of Kimihurura sector were built while Kimironko sector offices construction is in final phases.
After the presentation of the report of the assessment committee, members discussed about the report and commended their participation in the last year’s referendum that saw the constitution and article 101in particular changed, giving chance to the incumbent president and member of the party to extend his rule.
They committed to keep working together to preserve the achievements as well as participate in the upcoming programs.
They also pledged to keep the civic program Itorero alive, buy security patrol cars where they are yet to be, register members and put them into data base, develop tourist attraction sites such as Muhazi Lake and pursue mobilization on Igiceri Program to nurture saving culture, among others.
During the congress, different products were exhibited as part of achievements of RPF members. They include agricultural products such as cassava and honey, articrafts, products from small scale industries, among others.
In the last two years, 17,000 new members in Gasabo district were sworn in.