Fellow Rwandans
Friends of Rwanda
Good evening and happy and prosperous New Year to you all.
In the spirit of the recently concluded Umushyikirano, each one of us should continue to contribute actively to our country’s transformation, in the year ahead.
This requires us to put in place the right programmes, because as we have seen, we have all the opportunities and everything we need available to us in this country.
In Rwanda, we work together as a team.
When citizens demand high-quality services, delivered on time and on an equal basis to everyone, they are helping their leaders.
It is everyone’s right to ask for explanations when you are not satisfied, and to give your input on how things can be done better.
We can truly be our best, if we work together with mutual respect and love for our country.
Security and national unity, as always, are the foundation of our progress, and we will not allow anything to compromise what we have achieved.
Fellow Rwandans:
You have expressed appreciation for the good results we have attained together, but we want to do even more.
That is exactly the spirit we need to take Rwanda forward.
It would be a mistake to slow down, simply because expectations have been exceeded in some areas.
So let’s continue to aim as high as we can, at all levels, not only in government, but in the private sector as well.
Once again, I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year, to you and yours.
Thank you.