The RPF Chairman, President Paul Kagame, on Tuesday participated in a Fireside Chat at the Opening Ceremony of the Commonwealth Business Forum 2022 (CBF 2022).
The forum is happening on the margins of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Summit (CHOGM) which is underway in Rwanda.
For the opening of the forum, President Kagame joined Makhtar Diop, Managing Director of the International Finance Corporation, Akinwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank Group, Dr. Andrew Forrest, Chairman of Fortescue Future Industries and Amali Chivanthi de Alwis, CEO of Subak for a panel discussion on Commonwealth nations working together towards a common future.
The Forum which runs for three days from 21-23 June 2022 is the first and largest in-person gathering for Governments and Businesses across the Commonwealth since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.
It addresses the CHOGM theme ‘Delivering a Common Future: Connecting, Innovating, Transforming’, with a focus on “A Global Reset”, dealing with the impact of the pandemic and the Commonwealth’s role in rebuilding and reinvigorating the global economy.
The CBF 2022 brings together Heads of State and Government, Ministers and Senior Government Officials, eminent leaders of global and regional development institutions, captains of industry and board-level business leaders, innovators across all sectors, impact investors, venture capitalists and angel investors, champions of youth entrepreneurship, champions of gender inclusion and equality, as well as representatives of trade organizations.
Hosted as a partnership between the Government of Rwanda and the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council (CWEIC), the CBF 2022 experience has been designed to provide different ways to create meaningful connections, exchange knowledge, contribute to impactful dialogue and consume information.
Other keynote speakers at the forum included, Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland, Lord Marland, Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council chairman Clare Akamanzi, CEO of the Rwanda Development Board. Also in attendance at the Opening was Prime Minister Philip Davis of the Bahamas.